OTHG is delivering info directly to your cell phone via “Twitter". Follow us at “@othgny"

We communicate league info (like rainouts and weekly scores) to you via tweets (text messages) to your cell phone. This way you get info in a timely manner wherever you are at the moment. We will not over burden you with messages (usually two a week depending on weather, etc). If you are a twitter user currently, just follow @othgny. If not, go to twitter.com to register and follow @othgny.

Note: our twitter feed and messages can also be found at the top of this page.

We communicate league info (like rainouts and weekly scores) to you via tweets (text messages) to your cell phone. This way you get info in a timely manner wherever you are at the moment. We will not over burden you with messages (usually two a week depending on weather, etc). If you are a twitter user currently, just follow @othgny. If not, go to twitter.com to register and follow @othgny.

How do you know it’s working…

In the beginning of each season, tweets will be sent out for registration and meetings.

During the season: On Fridays, you should be notified of the game schedules or any game cancellations via a tweet to your phone. Over the weekend, you should be notified of “scores" from Friday night’s games via a tweet to your phone.

If this is not occurring or you are having other problems – “Help Me".

Note about Twitter: It no longer supports Internet Explorer on your laptop or PC – to view tweets on our website you should consider using FIREFOX, Google CHROME or EDGE as your computer browser. This does NOT affect how you receive tweets on the “twitter" app itself on your phone